Actor Vijay’s Master has finally hit cinema halls. According to the movie’s teaser, Vijay plays the character of JD, a heavy-drinker and a teacher at a college. In campus-based movies, usually, it is the students who create trouble for teachers. But, the makers seem to have flipped that trope in Master. Vijay Sethupathi, on the other hand, will be seen in an “unapologetically” evil avatar.
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, the film, also starring Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea Jeremiah and Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, is produced by XB Film Creators and Seven Screen Studios.
Master was previously scheduled to release worldwide in April 2020, but got postponed due to the spread of coronavirus and the resultant lockdown. Even though there were lucrative offers from leading OTT platforms, the producers were keen on a theatrical release. Now, Master’s theatrical release is expected to remove the gloom that has gripped the box office.
Is master a remake?
Is Master releasing on Amazon Prime?
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