HSSC One Time Registration

 Haryana Staff Selection Commission has launched HSSC One-time registration portal to allow candidates to register single time for the govt jobs. Through the portal registration can be made for Haryana CET for Group C & D posts. It will be connected with Family ID, Commission said.


Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) on Tuesday launched One-Time Registration Portal (OTR Portal) to help candidates to register single time for Group C and D posts, advertised by the Commission. The application form is for one time registration to appear in the Haryana State Common Eligibility Test (Haryana CET), which is compulsory to become eligible for submission of application for recruitment to Group-C or Group D post in the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.


"Applicant do not require to fill the Application form multiple times. To avoid the repeated registration by the candidates to apply for different posts advertised by the HSSC, the new portal named "One-Time Registration portal" has been launched, says Commission. 

The One-Time Registration portal is started on Tuesday, January 12, 2021. Under this portal registration will be done on the basis of Family ID generated under Parivar Pehchan Patra of the applicant. Aspirants of Haryana state government jobs in Group C & D, advertised by the HSSC can register at https://onetimeregn.haryana.gov.in. 


By entering the family ID number, all the details of the applicant will be recorded in the one time registration form and after filling the form completely, a unique ID number will be generated for the applicant to apply for any post in the commission in future. The same ID number will be used for future course of action, sources told See Latest.


Application Fee (Validity lifetime): Rs 500/- for General, 250/- for BC/SC/ST.


Key Instructions before filling up the 'One Time Registration Form' of HSSC:

  1. This application form is for one time registration to appear in the Haryana Common Eligibility Test (CET), which is compulsory to become eligible for submission of application for recruitment to Group-C or Group D post in the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
  2. This application form is provisional one and is subject to other terms and conditions of eligibility/acceptance at the time of advertisement for recruitment.
  3. The applicant shall have to upload self-attested documentary evidence in support of his/her claim(s) with the application form and if he/she is unable to provide the same, then the application shall be treated as an incomplete one and shall not be considered and shall be deemed to be rejected.
  4. If an applicant, while filling up the application form gives incorrect/false information or conceals anything then his candidature shall be liable to be rejected/cancelled without giving him any opportunity of hearing, at any stage i.e., prior to/after recruitment/ appointment.
  5. After filling up all the columns of application form and before submitting the same, each and every applicant should download the pdf soft copy of his/her form alongwith uploaded documents and also take its print out to check the correctness.
  6. An applicant who has ever been prevented from appearing in any examination/ experiential course by any agency / selection committee of any Government including the Haryana Government or have been prevented/convicted by any court of law shall not be eligible to submit his application form.
  7. An applicant has to submit his/her application form for One Time Registration only. If application has already been submitted to this portal of Haryana Staff Selection Commission there is no need to submit it again.
  8. The applicant shall have to fill up all the columns carefully. No application for correction of particulars shall be entertained, later on, by the Commission in this regard.


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